How to Disconnect Site from Google Site Verification

Google Site Verification is a tool that lets you prove your website ownership to gain access to the site's private Google Search data.

If you have previously linked your Sitebeat website to Google Site Verification, you may easily revoke this function by following the steps below:

  1. Log In to access the Sitebeat dashboard.
  2. Under My Sites, click the Edit Site option of the website that you wish to manage.
  3. Note: If you want to edit a new site, you have to unpublish the current website and make your new site as your primary website.

    Under My Sites, click the [...] Ellipsis Icon on the top-right corner of the website to unpublish the current site. Click Unpublish Site, and then click Yes, Unpublish to confirm.

    Under My Domains, click the [...] Ellipsis Icon of the website that you want to replace as your primary website, then click Replace Primary. In the pop-up window, select the domain of the new website in the New Primary Domain list, then click Replace Primary. You can also click the Domains tab under My Sites to perform the necessary steps mentioned.

    You can now edit the new site that you wish to manage.

  4. On your Site Editor, click Settings from the left-side menu.
  5. Click Google Services, and then click Site Verification.
  6. On the Verification Code box, click the [x] Delete Icon.

    Other action: To change or edit your verification code, simply click the Pen Tool beside the [x] Delete Icon, enter your new code on the field provided, and then click the Save button.

You’ve just disconnected your website from Google Site Verification.

If you need help in creating and accessing your website's Meta Tag, check out this guide article:

Note: If you need further assistance on the Google Search Console or creating an account with Google, please contact the Google Support Team. Otherwise, for any queries regarding Sitebeat contact our 24/7 support.

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